Haus the rescue dog returns the favour

The DeLuca family of Tampa, Florida are very happy they chose to adopt Haus, a German Shepherd two months ago.

Last week, Haus stepped in to keep their 7-year old daughter from being attacked by a rattlesnake, an Eastern Diamondback to be precise.


Haus suffered several snake bites and it was touch-and-go for a while when he was admitted to the local veterinary hospital and put on an anti-venom drip and given pain relief.

The family appealed for funds for his care and were amazed at how quickly the funds added up to over $50,000.  They then issued a statement “PLEASE — we feel we have plenty to care for Haus’ needs” and encouraged people to donate to other worthwhile charities – where the excess funds will also be donated.

At last report, Haus’ condition is improving.

And it makes me very glad that New Zealand is a land without snakes!

Kathleen Crisley, specialist in dog massage, rehabilitation and nutrition/food therapy, The Balanced Dog, Christchurch, New Zealand

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