Tag Archives: Helga

Izzy learns something new

I ‘commissioned’ a new toy for Izzy this Christmas – it was not a new or innovative design and there are many videos circulating with dogs using similar ones.  It’s made of wood and re-used drink bottles.

And until a couple of days ago, Izzy didn’t understand it was for her.  All she managed to do was to chew on the wooden frame and screws that held it together a few times.

But then, Izzy had a play date with her friend, Helga,  who is a Bernese Mountain Dog.  And Helga showed some interest in the toy with the addition of a little peanut butter at the top of one of the bottles.

Izzy and Helga take a break from playing together

Izzy and Helga take a break from playing together

Helga went home and, within minutes of her leaving, Izzy started to engage with her new toy.  Best of all, I caught it on video:

Clever girl, she just needed a little doggy leadership to show her the way!

Kathleen Crisley, specialist in dog massage, rehabilitation and nutrition/food therapy, Canine Catering Ltd, Christchurch, New Zealand

New team on duty at Christchurch Airport

There’s a new biosecurity dog team on duty at Christchurch Airport.  Meet Helga and handler Kimberly Sell in this article:

Helga on duty, photo by Kirk Hargreaves

Helga on duty, photo by Kirk Hargreaves

New team on airport duty – news – the-press | Stuff.co.nz.

Happy Easter!

Helga, the Bernese Mountain Dog, wishes all of our Canine Catering customers and blog subscribers a Happy Easter….

Photo by Dany Wu

Photo by Dany Wu